Travel Advice Around the Web

When we’re not busy preparing career break-related content for the community at Briefcase to Backpack, we’re offering travel advice and tips elsewhere on the web.

[singlepic=1395,200,,,left]Sherry Ott has contributed several articles to Indie Travel Podcast, including:

Eliminating the Middle Man
Booking tours online can be a great way to organize your trip ahead of time. But it’s also a pretty sure-fire way to waste money – a fair proportion of the cost is going to the middle-man. Save money and book locally.

Travel Ink
Who needs a permanent scar when you can have your passport stamps serve as your travel memory?

Become a Vagabond Master
To determine if you can hack long-term travel to remote countries, I’ve put together a little four-week travel-training plan to prepare your mind and body for vagabonding.

Bathroom Adventure Travel
Sherry Ott explores the idea of adventure travel for the digestive system. She recommends Nepal as the ultimate place for a journey for the gut.

[singlepic=1467,200,,,left]THE CIRCLE
We have also become online Travel Mentors for a new goal-focused social website – The Circle.

The Circle is designed to create an environment of guidance and discussion on a wide range of topics, with a primary focus on helping members to identify and reach personal goals. Each Circle features a relevant weekly blog and as mentors, we bring our real-life travel experience to the Circle community. In addition, we respond to member questions and participate in Forum discussions, hoping to inspire and guide members to reach personal goals they’ve set for themselves.

We rotate our Mentor duties with another avid traveler and fellow career breaker – Mala Mason.

So be sure to check out The Circle. There is no charge for online visitors to register to join a Circle of members who have similar interests and goals – and they don’t have to be travel-related!

Career Break Guide Table of Contents

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