Help Send Sherry Ott to Antarctica!

[singlepic=1497,300,,,right]Quark Expeditions is searching for an Official Blogger to join one of their voyages to Antarctica, and I couldn’t think of a better person than Briefcase to Backpack co-founder Sherry Ott!


Sherry has been blogging for the past three years on her Otts World site – first during her 16-month career break around the world and now as an expat living in Vietnam. You may think I’m a bit biased, but I fell in love with her writing well before we met and decided to start this site. So if that helped to inspire Briefcase to Backpack, who knows what this expedition could inspire!

In addition to her witty and engaging writing, Sherry has embraced her love for photography while traveling and has become very skilled in transporting you to a place through her photos. I know the combination of these two skills will make anyone feel as if they are on the journey with her.

Here’s a bit more from Sherry:

[singlepic=1498,150,,,left]I’m an American living in Vietnam. I’m a blogger, an auntie, a chronic singleton, an amateur photographer, a martini lover, a former IT executive turned English teacher, a world traveler, a twitter addict, and I turn 40 in February 2010. Do you think they have martinis on the ship to celebrate my birthday among penguins, ice caps, and polar bears? Help me find out!

I quit my job and left corporate America behind 3 years ago in search of adventure. I’ve been traveling, living, blogging, and photographing around the world ever since. However, I’m not one of those seasoned travelers – this is all new to me. I got my first passport when I was 30 years old and my eyes were opened to the world. I want to share the world I see with others, which is why I blog and do photography. I don’t make money at it; I do it for the love of it.

Who would I take with me – that’s easy – my Dad. I think he’s the one person that would appreciate a trip to Antarctica more than me. He’s 73 years old and once traveled around the world on a freighter. Adventurous travel is in my genes!

I just renewed my passport this month for the first time. I would love to lose its virginity to an Antarctica passport stamp this February! Please send a middle age nomad and an old man to Antarctica! You’ll be able to be a part of it too as I share the experience with you – hell, I’ll even send you a post card and save you a piece of birthday cake if the penguins don’t eat it all!

Someday is a disease that you will take to the grave with you – so vote for me today!

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