Reflection: Setting Goals for 2010 Part 2

The end of the year always inspires reflection. But it also offers an opportunity to set goals for the future. So as 2010 approaches, we asked more of our favorite travelers and career breakers to share their travel and career goals for the upcoming year.

[singlepic=1619,150,,,right]HOLE IN THE DONUT – BARBARA WEIBEL
After three years of devotion, my blog has finally started to take off. I even had to move to a virtual private server with a dedicated IP address because my previous host could no longer handle the traffic. When I first deserted corporate life to recreate myself as a travel writer and photographer, my plan was to write a book (a best-seller, of course) and break into traditional travel magazine and newspaper travel markets. The universe had other plans, however, and I am thankful that I was open to the path that was laid out before me. Instead of magazines and newspapers, I found opportunities for online travel writing, which provided exposure for my blog through backlinks and bylines. I am happy to report that my blog, along with my other contract online writing, has become my new career, and I couldn’t be more delighted.

I have been so busy building my new business that I have not been able to travel as much as I would have liked since returning from my R-T-W trip in 2007. However, I hope that will change in 2010. At the moment, I have tentative plans to go to Mexico in February and just keep going south. The countries on my radar include Guatemala, Belize, Panama, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Peru. A few travel bloggers are informally discussing a possible meet up at Machu Picchu in April or May. Then it will be back to the States for 3 or 4 months before heading for China, ending up at the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai. Afterward I hope to continue to Hong Kong, Malaysia, Macao, Myanmar, and spend a month in Laos before heading for a Yoga retreat in Thailand. If possible, I’d love to do side trips to Borneo and perhaps the Philippines. But, as with all travel plans, this is all fluid, but at least it’s a beginning plan.

Blog: Hole in The Donut | Twitter: @holeinthedonut

[singlepic=1630,150,,,right]NOMADIC MATT – MATT KEPNES
I’m planning a big year in 2010. It’s only fitting since it is the start of a new decade. Career wise, I plan to launch a contest right after the New Year giving away a free trip to Costa Rica. I’d also like to increase my Google rankings. I plan to travel through Australia, Asia, Europe, and drive across America in 2010. I’m going to live in NYC for the summer learning French and Swedish as well as improving my Spanish.

Blog: Nomadic Matt | Twitter: @nomadicmatt

[singlepic=1621,125,,,right]AMATEUR TRAVELER – CHRIS CHRISTENSEN
My goal is to travel more by creating a travel centered business around the Amateur Traveler and social media / new media consulting.

Oh and I would like to be able to pay those pesky college tuition bills for my kids as well.

Blog: Amateur Traveler | Twitter: @chris2x

[singlepic=1618,200,,,right]FOX NOMAD – ANIL POLAT
I’m planning on spending the first two months of 2010 in Europe working on my travel websites to increase the amount of passive income I generate. From there I’m looking forward to a bus trip from somewhere around Ecuador (stopping for weeks at a time along the way) up to the US to see both my sister graduate from college and then attend TBEX 2010 in New York City. After the summer I’m planning on moving to Northern Cyprus and settling there for a year while I plan my next set of travels, likely to be in central and eastern Asia.

My plans are always flexible and I can’t wait to see what other unexpected travel and work opportunities come across my way as well. One thing though that I’ve completely set my mind on is volunteering and giving back to the places I travel. It’s something I haven’t done really and want to incorporate into my travels, and 2010 is when I’ll begin to make it a regular part of my adventures.

Blog: Fox Nomad | Twitter: @foxnomad

[singlepic=1631,150,,,right]STAY ADVENTUROUS – CRAIG ZABRANSKY

  • Start my new website and personal travel blog in 2010 – stayadventurous
  • Travel to 1 new continent; 2 new countries; and at least 1 new US state
  • Get published in print for a major travel mag, before they all disappear
  • Have a novel I write or ghost write published in 2010
  • Expand my photography portfolio and publish a photo for $ (not just credit)
  • And of course, encourage others to ‘stay adventurous’ in mind, body and spirit. To inspire them to take and make adventure in their life

BLOG: Stay Adventures (coming soon!) | Twitter: @stayadventurous

Other comments

8 Comments on "Reflection: Setting Goals for 2010 Part 2"

  1. Tweets that mention Reflection: Setting Goals for 2010 Part 2 | Briefcase to Backpack - Travel Advice for Career Breaks or Sabbaticals -- on Tue, 29th Dec 2009 1:57 pm 

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sherry Ott, BriefcasetoBackpack. BriefcasetoBackpack said: More 2010 goals from @holeinthedonut @nomadicmatt @chris2x @foxnomad @stayadventurous – what are yours? #traveltuesday […]

  2. Barabra @ Hole In The Donut Travels on Tue, 29th Dec 2009 11:09 pm 

    Thank you for including me! Now I have no excuse – I have to do all those things I said I was planning. Keep up the good work – we definitely need to develop a mid-career break culture in this country.

  3. Craig Zabransky on Wed, 30th Dec 2009 8:22 pm 

    Ah, so glad the goals are out there in the universe. And since I know there will be a CBHQ blog post in Dec 2010 to recap how we did on our year (accountability) I want to add two more goals to my list.

    -to secure other revenue sources related to travel such as; assisting Indie travel mags, overseas freelance consulting projects, or even some tour guide work. (I’ll need to)
    -continue to freelance write for travel related blogs

    stay adventurous,

  4. Anil on Sun, 3rd Jan 2010 9:17 am 

    Wonderful to hear so many other travel plans. Thank you for including me with these other awesome travelers.

  5. The January Anniversary « Stay Adventurous on Wed, 6th Jan 2010 12:49 am 

    […] goals remain posted on briefcase to backpack with other travelers and summarized […]

  6. The January Anniversary | Stay Adventurous on Sat, 27th Nov 2010 7:03 pm 

    […] goals remain posted on briefcase to backpack with other travelers and summarized […]

  7. craig zabransky on Thu, 6th Jan 2011 1:21 pm 

    How did I do?
    1) Start my new website and personal travel blog in 2010 – stayadventurous
    2) Travel to 1 new continent; 2 new countries; and at least 1 new US state
    Africa, 5 countries, no new US States

    Get published in print for a major travel mag, before they all disappear
    Nope, but its a 2011 goal.
    Have a novel I write or ghost write published in 2010
    I realize, if I want it published, I need to write it. Can’t ghost write and expect it published 🙁
    Expand my photography portfolio and publish a photo for $ (not just credit)
    Totally expanded, and getting better… Published for $, not yet 🙁
    And of course, encourage others to ‘stay adventurous’ in mind, body and spirit. To inspire them to take and make adventure in their life
    YES – So happy to say yes to this one… the most important.

    So what’s up for 2011:

    stay adventurous, Craig

  8. Michaela Potter on Thu, 6th Jan 2011 6:50 pm 

    Craig – So happy to see you are staying on top of your resolutions. And I agree – the last one is most important. Happy to join you in encouraging others to ‘stay adventurous’!

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