Favorite Website: TED Talks – Ideas Worth Spreading
[singlepic=1636,250,,,right]In his recent guest post, Sabbaticals and the Pursuit of Happiness, Clive Prout makes reference to a video presentation on TED Talks given by Dr. Martin Seligman.
If you don’t know what TED Talks is, you should! TED is a small nonprofit devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading”. It started out as a conference bringing people together from the worlds of Technology, Entertainment, and Design (thus, the TED). During the annual conference, attendees get to hear riveting talks (18 minutes in length) by more than 50 remarkable people.
The site TED Talks grew out of the idea to give everyone on-demand access to these most inspiring voices.
The TED content has expanded to include talks on business, science, culture, arts, and global issues. Dr. Seligman’s talk is found in the Culture section under “What Makes Us Happy”. Another notable talk in this category is by Stefan Sagmeister titled “The Power of Time Off”.
Sagmeister is a notable designer based in NYC and is also known for shutting down his shop every seven years for a year sabbatical. That’s one idea we know is worth spreading! His reasoning is that we spend the first 25 years of our lives learning, the next 40 years working, and the final 15 in retirement. He wanted to intersperse some of the retirement years within the working years.
He also recognized the value of time off to rejuvenate and refresh his creative outlook. After his first sabbatical, he found that:
- His job became his calling again
- Over the long term it was financially successful
- And everything his shop designed in the seven years following the first sabbatical was originated in that year.
We highly recommend you take the 18 minutes to listen to this fascinating talk. And thank you for helping us spread the idea on career breaks and sabbaticals!
Tweets that mention Favorite Website: TED Talks – Ideas Worth Spreading | Briefcase to Backpack - Travel Advice for Career Breaks or Sabbaticals -- Topsy.com on Thu, 7th Jan 2010 12:08 pm
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by BriefcasetoBackpack, Chris Tilley. Chris Tilley said: TED Talks – Ideas Worth Spreading – http://bit.ly/63WZ7P […]