Let’s Go With No Debt World Travel
If you’ve decided to take a career break or sabbatical, you’ve already faced a big hurdle. And if you are new to long-term and round-the-world travel, trip planning can seem incredibly daunting, especially if you have other things to take care of like leaving your job, leasing your place, packing up your life, and even preparing for your return. (I know – you haven’t even left yet.)
There is a plethora of information on the web for RTW travel, but Brian Peters has made it easier by putting many great resources in one place with “No Debt World Travel: The Ultimate Guide to Traveling the World”.
[singlepic=1638,250,,,right]Brian is a fellow Briefcase to Backpacker and transitioned from working a white-collar 9-5 job to traveling the world. As he says in his e-book “Admittedly I was not such a big travel fan, even up to a few years ago. I was busy living life, mainly working and playing my part in Corporate America. Travel was for people who had money, or had the free time. I had none of these…or so I thought.”
Brian finally set off on his travels after he was laid off from his job, and a lot of what he learned in preparing and during his six months of travel he shares in this e-book.
Some of the areas he covers includes:
- Deciding Where to Go
- Cash and Credit Cards
- Method of Transportation
- Travel Insurance
- Passports and Visas
- Your Health
- Your Safety
- Hostels
- Food
- Travel Tech
- Language
Throughout the e-book are some of Brian’s personal tales and experiences. On our site we love sharing peoples voices as it’s best to learn from others rather than being told what to do. So this was a nice touch to something that could have easily been a “how-to” guide.
It is also easy for someone new to RTW travel to relate to some of his fears and apprehensions, especially Americans. The “Travel Myths” he touches upon are ones that keep many Americans from traveling, including needing a lot of money to do so, having to speak other languages, and the feeling that it is too dangerous.
The e-book also comes with several audio interviews including one with me (Michaela Potter) about career break travel and one with co-founder Sherry Ott on getting certified and teaching English abroad. (Note that the audio does have some technical issues and could deal with some editing, but it’s nice to hear other people speak of their various experiences.)
If you feel you are a savvy traveler, or at least understand that a visa is more than just a credit card, then this e-book isn’t for you. But if you are looking for a quick go-to guide on travel preparations for your career break, than this will save you time from hunting down the information yourself.
Editors note: This is an affiliate link and in purchasing this item through our site, Briefcase to Backpack will get a portion of the sales.
No Debt World Travel: The Ultimate Guide to Traveling the World
By Brian Peters
- 80 page eBook with various resources
- Nine guest interviews with various travel experts
- Packing checklist
- Video guide and pdf document on picking the right backpack
- Video guide on booking the right hostels
Price: $37
Includes a 60-day money back guarantee