Photo Friday: Abel Tasman, NZ


This photo is from my 2007 career break with Michael. As part of our travels we spent some time in New Zealand. As I had been to New Zealand before (in 1995) I knew that I wanted to kayak Abel Tasman National Park. During my previous visit, we spent three days in Nelson (the sunniest city in New Zealand) waiting out torrential rain so that we could go kayaking in Abel Tasman. After waiting what seemed like weeks, we were finally on the shore ready to launch our kayak – then our guide decided the seas were too rough. I never thought I would have an opportunity to do this again, so I was thrilled to spend three days kayaking and hiking with Michael. The best part? It was my birthday.

Every Friday we’ll feature a career break inspired photo. Want to see your photo here? Join our Facebook Fan Page and upload your career break photo to our Wall. Add a brief description of the photo and we may choose to feature it here!

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2 Comments on "Photo Friday: Abel Tasman, NZ"

  1. Andi on Fri, 26th Mar 2010 12:43 pm 

    What an awesome Birthday present to yourself! Looks like A LOT of fun!!!

  2. Jeff Jung on Fri, 26th Mar 2010 3:57 pm 

    Abel Tasman is a truly great park. I loved my tour around last year. Thanks for the photo.

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