Overcoming the 7 Obstacles to Traveling the World
You are probably reading Briefcase to Backpack because you have a dream; a dream to take a break and travel. Ahhh…but there is a battle going on; raging in your psyche dropping bombs and waving white flags.
The ‘good angel’ says
“Do it, take that job and shove it! See what the world has to offer. Other people do it, so why can’t you?”
The ‘devil’ says
“It’s too expensive, you have to be rich. What will my family say? It’s irresponsible!”
Anil Polat has taken the bombs that your devil drops and addresses them in his E-Book – Overcoming the Seven Major Obstacles to Traveling the World. Anil is someone who has done it; he worked in a traditional job for 6 years and then decided to shake up his life and combine his love for travel with his work. He has overcome these obstacles himself. Sure, everyone’s circumstances are different, but if you need a little push, then Overcoming the Seven Major Obstacles to Traveling the World may be the nudge you need.
Traveling the world is not a luxury for most people – it’s a choice. You can overcome each and every obstacle you face and travel with good planning and by making some choices you’ll find hard to make.
Anil starts the book with this line of reasoning; there are no shortcuts to achieving a goal of long-term travel. In order to achieve it, you have to be strong, you often have to go against what society is telling you and you have to make tough choices. The meek need not apply.
Since Anil has spent plenty of hours behind a desk, in a cube like most of you; he can relate to your situation.
Fear can have you thinking, “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it,” but if you’re sitting at your desk all day dreaming about what could be, then something isn’t the way it should be. Traveling the world isn’t the absence of work, but rather the result of focusing what you work on to achieve your goals.
In order for me to take my career break in 2006, I had to overcome the obstacles he covers in the book. I found his 7 obstacles to be very relevant and feel it will apply to 80% of the people out there: single, married, parents, young, old. This breadth is great because often people think only those without extra responsibilities (a.k.a. young and single) can travel. So, if you are a married middle-income couple with a house, pets, and maybe kids – be prepared, he will debunk your excuses.
I will give you a small spoiler, the first obstacle is all about you and your relationship with your job. If you dream of a career break from your job, this will help you look at it logically and start preparing for how you can break from your traditional career. Notice that I used the word break – as in pause. I say this because he provides you with tips to come back to your career after your travels.
You can download the Overcome the Seven Major Obstacles to Traveling the World at Anil’s website – Fox Nomad. The book is downloaded in pdf format and is 30 pages for $8USD – a bargain! And just imagine reading it on your commute to work as you are plotting your escape.
Still not sure if you want to purchase the book, then consider this…$8 USD is less then you’d spend on two lattes. Trust me – a latte won’t get you any closer to your career break dreams, but this ebook will.
What’s holding YOU back – what are your obstacles that you need to overcome?
Where can you find Anil Polat? Everywhere! Anil travels practically full time and works freelance while also keeping one of my favorite travel blogs, www.foxnomad.com . His background is really as a tech geek; he spent 6 years as a security specialist (hacker – the good kind). Thanks to this background I find that he offers some of the best tech and security travel advice out there on the web. If you want to know about security and traveling, check out his other sites – TechGuideForTravel.com or TravelBlogAdvice.com
Lucy Williamson on Wed, 7th Apr 2010 4:39 pm
Reading this really rang true! I am planning to take a career break in 6 months or so and it is hard weighing up the pros and cons. I will have to buy Seven Major Obstacles now, it looks very interesting. Thank you for sharing this.
Sherry Ott on Thu, 8th Apr 2010 12:27 am
Hi Lucy – good luck on breaking out of convention and planning a career break! It will be such a growing experience. I did a 2 year career travel break and it was completely worth it. However I certainly remember all of the anxiety I dealt with back in the planning stages. I only wished that there were things like ebooks and the wealth of web resources that are out there now. So – take advantage of the great info out there and please keep in touch – we’d love to hear how your planning is going. It’s super information to share with others on the site!
Anil on Thu, 8th Apr 2010 6:18 am
Thank you so much for reviewing my ebook! Getting over the fear (and often guilt) of leaving your career or job behind is tough because it hits you on so many levels. I like to tackle emotional problems logically and work on small pieces of the whole picture.
I hope and believe that my ebook can get people on the career-break fence to finally go for it. Be relentless in the pursuit of your dreams – our lives are all marching toward a conclusion, why not take the interesting route?
Michael on Wed, 15th Sep 2010 4:18 pm
Hey thanks for featuring one of our doodles on your site!
Hate to be nitpicky but it’s “Doodler Blog” not “the doodle blog”
Great article!