Photo Friday: Routeburn Track, NZ
This Photo Friday was submitted by Manali & Terry Bettendorf, who departed Atlanta, GA in August of 2009 for their year-long career break. So far they have explored, Japan, China, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and Australia.
They are currently in New Zealand, where this photo was taken while walking one of New Zealand’s Great Walks: The Routeburn Track. “We felt as if we were on the top of the world, defintely one of the highlights on our 5 week adventure in New Zealand!”
You can follow their career break adventures on Manali + Terry: Yuppies to Hippies | Newlyweds on our World Adventure
Every Friday we’ll feature a career break inspired photo. Want to see your photo here? Join our Facebook Fan Page and upload your career break photo to our Wall. Add a brief description of the photo and we may choose to feature it here!
Matt on Fri, 2nd Apr 2010 11:46 pm
Beautiful shot! That’s one area of New Zealand I’ve yet to see, but I hope to by the end of my stay!