Photo Friday: Cuisine of Japan

[singlepic=1855,588,,,left]This Photo Friday is from Keith Sutter of Green Around the Globe. While in Japan during their career break, Keith and his wife Amy enjoyed the delicacies of Japan – including Okonomiyaki.

“Okonomiyaki was just the beginning of our 15 days tasting and eating our way around Japan. Our journey was filled with culinary exploration and rewards at every turn. Using dollars as a metric for what we valued, when we look back at our budget for Japan it is clear that we voted for the amazing food. We exceeded our average daily budget for food of $45 by 80%, while still being slightly under budget for the country as a whole. We both have zero regrets about a single dollar we spent on all of the delicious food.”

This photo was taken with their favorite chef in Japan, who presented them with the Hiroshima style of Okonomiyaki. “That sign behind us is one the chef pulled out just for the photo. He was really excited for the picture.”

You can read more about Keith’s take on “The Great Okonomiyaki Debate: Hiroshima vs. Osaka Style” on his website, Green Around the Globe. You can also meet Keith & Amy Sutter at Meet, Plan, Go! in Philadelphia on September 14, 2010.

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One Comment on "Photo Friday: Cuisine of Japan"

  1. Andi on Fri, 30th Jul 2010 5:22 pm 

    Haha, that chef looks awesome!

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