Meet, Plan, Go! – In the News
We are less than a month a way from our Meet, Plan, Go! events and buzz is growing! Here is what people are saying:
WANDERING EDUCATORS – Extraordinary Travel Inspiration
We all know how important travel is – it can, literally, change the world. But do you feel stuck, waiting for your next sabbatical (or summer vacation)? Do you dream of making a life change to travel the world? Well – I’ve got an extraordinary resource for you. On September 14, 2010, a nation-wide movement will occur, to help people get inspired to get out there and follow your dreams of extended travel. It’s called Meet, Plan, Go – and it is groundbreaking. Meet, Plan, Go was founded by Michaela Potter, Tara Russell, and Sherry Ott (our very own Photography Editor – Love her photos of the week!), and one of the hosts is our Solo Travel Editor, Janice Waugh. All these incredible, well-traveled intercultural writers and travelers working together? VERY COOL.
CONSULTING REHAB – Meet, Plan Go! Be There. Seriously.
Listen up. This is important. We want to tell you about an outstanding event that will be taking place on Sept. 14th in thirteen cities across the US and Canada called Meet, Plan, Go! Its entire purpose is to provide you with inspiration, contacts and resources to “plan the trip of a lifetime” – and then go. You’re probably wondering how much something this awesome would cost. Well, I hope you’re sitting down: this event is free. If you live anywhere near one of these cities, we think you should go.
TRAVELS WITH ADAM – On Travel Meetups and Talking Travel
There are a few BIG travel meetups each year. Whether for professional industry travel writers, or for travel bloggers. And now there’s a new one to add to the mix: Meet Plan Go!. Of course, during its inaugural year, I’m on the road. But just like I lived vicariously through people’s travels while I was sitting at work, I can now live vicariously through these travel meetups while traveling. So, if you’ve even got an itch of desire to travel more, I’d suggest signing up to attend this free seminar.
For more links to Meet, Plan, Go! articles, visit “In the News”.
And you can follow the streaming conversation on
Twitter: #MeetPlanGo
Sofia on Fri, 20th Aug 2010 4:17 am
I so wish I could be there the 14th… 🙁 would be so much fun!!