Photo Friday: Married with Luggage
[singlepic=1879,588,,,left]This Photo Friday by Peter West Carey features our Meet, Plan, Go! Seattle hosts – Warren & Betsy Talbot of Married with Luggage.
Warren & Betsy have been preparing for their upcoming three-year RTW journey – chronicling about it for the past two years. We’ve even highlighted their preparation process on Briefcase to Backpack: Saving Money to Change Their Lives | How Long-Term Travel Strengthens a Relationship | In the Career Break Closet. That’s why we thought they would make the perfect hosts for Meet, Plan, Go! Seattle. And this photo proves we were right.
Warren & Betsy’s enthusiasm for Meet, Plan, Go! went above and beyond what we ever expected. In addition to promoting it on their site, they hit the Seattle airwaves, talking about it on a regular basis on the Femme Finance Radio Show. And they have even been hosting weekly Happy Hours pre- and post-event.
So we wanted to thank them and honor their departure next week. There will certainly be a hole in the Seattle travel community but we can’t wait to hear about their new life on the road!
Want to see your photo here? Join our Facebook Fan Page and upload your career break photo onto our Wall. Add a brief description & we may choose to feature it here!
Betsy Talbot on Fri, 24th Sep 2010 10:45 am
I’m not sure I have a non-smiling or non-laughing picture of myself – but I’m not complaining! Peter captured the mood of the event perfectly.
We were so happy to be part of Meet, Plan, Go and to have the opportunity to meet such a great variety of people in all stages of career-breakedness (a new word I just made up). It was even more fun to do it so close to our own departure.
We’ll be following along on your travels as well as keeping in touch with our new friends from Meet, Plan, Go. We’re bound to meet up on the road at some point!
Debb Whitlock on Fri, 24th Sep 2010 11:13 am
I was so proud to be part of the event – be sure to tune in for next Friday’s show (10/01/10)at 9am as we say adios to Betsy and Warren live before they leave that night. You can listen on-line at
Enjoy your day!