The Movement is on the Move!

Back in April I wrote about starting a career break movement and the challenges around introducing a new term into the public’s vocabulary. We at Briefcase to Backpack have a dream to get more and more people talking about AND taking traveling career breaks. We aren’t picky – we don’t care how long they are, or where you go. But go you must. Go out and see the world, open up your mind, shake up your perceptions, and get the best education out there…the world’s cultures.

Back in April the only people using the term career break seemed to be Beyonce, a handful of other celebrities, moms, and of course Michaela and me on Briefcase to Backpack. But I’ve noticed a change in the air; my Google alert is filled with more and more articles about career break travel. Sure, the majority of them are still coming from the UK, but we are starting to make a small dent in the corporate America armor.
The Movement on the Move
Society’s mindset is challenging the long adopted idea of ‘work your ass off until retirement – then have fun’. Some of us no longer feel we need to operate on this delayed gratification life journey. We are finding ways to balance it all and challenge the way people look at retirement and their careers. Good work America!

One of our goals with the Meet, Plan, Go! events was to bring some more visibility to the term and the idea of career breaks; we think it worked.

Just check out who’s talking about career breaks now:

And career breaks also hit the television airwaves in Chicago:

The press coverage isn’t just about the dreamy idea of quitting your job and traveling – recently people have been looking at some of the benefits of travel. Last week while reading an in-flight magazine I also came across this article from the Harvard Business Review – Be a Better Manager: Live AbroadBased on a research study, they found people who have international experience or identify with more than one nationality are better problem solvers and display more creativity. What’s more, they found that people with this international experience are more likely to create new businesses/products and to be promoted.

But to top it off, this last weekend career breaks hit the big time…The New York Times Travel Section: Making the Dream Trip a Reality covers how to overcome the hurdles to taking career breaks and making it a reality.

With press coverage come more people’s opinions – good and bad. As I read some of the comments on these stories, I see people who are embracing the idea and plenty who think it’s a terrible idea to break from your job to travel. I know career breaks aren’t for everyone, but I welcome and embrace the conversation – pro or con.

People talking about career breaks are better than no one talking at all! This ‘talk’ means more people are considering where they stand on the subject. It’s a little ripple that will travel outward picking up more supporters along the way. Maybe it will even turn into a wave!

But I say don’t listen to the reporters – don’t even listen to us! Instead, listen to you; does it resonate with you? Are you someone who reads these stories of career breaks and thinks – that’s kind of cool. You may be fearful of taking a break, but it also intrigues you at the same time. For those people, I say, “Join us.” Once the internet starts talking, and it hits the airwaves, and then into print…well…I’d say we have the beginnings of a real movement on our hands….come join us and help spread the word!

Here’s how you can help be a part of the Career Break movement:

Other comments

4 Comments on "The Movement is on the Move!"

  1. Tweets that mention Career Break Travel Takes Hold | Briefcase to Backpack - Travel Advice for Career Breaks or Sabbaticals -- on Wed, 20th Oct 2010 10:44 am 

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sherry Ott and Jason and Aracely, Ian and Wendy Sewell. Ian and Wendy Sewell said: RT @TwoBackpackers: Career Break Travel Takes Hold | Briefcase to Backpack – Travel Advice for Career Breaks or Sabbaticals […]

  2. wandering educators on Wed, 20th Oct 2010 10:48 am 

    brava, sherry! i was so pleased to see you in the Nyt! and of course you’ve been doing this great work for years – i, too, read some of the comments with astonishment. it’s just a matter of deciding, figuring out how, and then going.

  3. Philip on Wed, 20th Oct 2010 8:54 pm 

    Wow – it’s awesome to hear that this is being considered something respectable in a working professional. Thanks for sharing this!

    I wonder if this trend will affect the population of travelers on the road. Maybe more professionals out there creating their own kind of travel. Maybe new kinds of services and businesses along the road will pop up for them as well. It’ll be really interesting to see how the landscape of international travel evolves. 😀

  4. Wanderluster on Fri, 5th Nov 2010 5:41 am 

    Yeah for the MPG gals! Spreading the word about the importance of travel, no matter the length of time, is indeed a fantastic thing. Glad to see you’re getting so much ink!

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