Photo Friday: Choose Our Next Postcards
We have been busy with all things Meet, Plan, Go! in recent months, recruiting hosts for this year’s event and building our online community at Basic Training. And we want people to know about these exciting activities! And here’s where we’d love your help.
In the essence of going retro with our in-person events, so are our marketing materials. And we need your help choosing the artwork!
Leave a comment telling us which three images are your favorite and why (you can denote them by number). We’ll then enter your name in a random drawing for a copy of Chris Guillebeau’s book “The Art of Non-Conformity”. We’ll accept comments through Friday, February 25.
Click on images to view larger.
Tweets that mention Photo Friday: Choose Our Next Postcards | Briefcase to Backpack - Travel Advice for Career Breaks or Sabbaticals -- on Fri, 18th Feb 2011 8:02 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sherry Ott, BriefcasetoBackpack. BriefcasetoBackpack said: Photo Friday: Choose Our Next Postcards – We have been busy with all things Meet, Plan, Go! in recent months, recrui… […]
Julie Fredrick on Fri, 18th Feb 2011 10:06 am
Number 3 appeals to me. Beach scenes seem to conforming to “vacation” ideals. The walkers are the only scenes that depict people like you and me actually participating in an activity. And walking AWAY from life as we knw it into the great unknown. YAY!
Richard on Fri, 18th Feb 2011 11:24 am
I like number 2. For me beaches also make me think – 1 week vacation.
Christy @ Technosyncratic on Fri, 18th Feb 2011 12:04 pm
I like the first two the best – the images are distinct and cool but make good backgrounds (it’s easy to almost immediately tell what’s going on, so you don’t have to focus a lot on the picture and can instead focus on the text). #5 and #6 are my least favorite, as they’re kind of dark and the main text doesn’t stand out nearly as much.
Just my two cents. 🙂
Sage Russell on Fri, 18th Feb 2011 12:17 pm
Number 2 and Number 6 appeal to me as they show people interacting in cultures obviously different then our own. They inspire one to consider that right now, somewhere, there are people living drastically different lifestyles than we see around us.
coll concepts all around though!
Kirk Horsted on Fri, 18th Feb 2011 1:03 pm
4. Because the winter drags on and life should be a beach.
1. Ditto.
7. Something about Paris in the springtime.
They’re all good, though. Wish I were at all them there ‘theres’!
Stefanie on Fri, 18th Feb 2011 1:23 pm
I love numbers 1 and 4 because the beach scenes look so serene and relaxing, such a welcome change of pace from the rush of everyday life.
I love number 7 as well because something about it looks so retro, like a postcard saved from a long time ago that you would never want to get rid of!
Ted on Fri, 18th Feb 2011 9:11 pm
1, 3, and 7 for their nice use of color and clean composition, effectively conveying the message to get up and go!
John Wasko on Sat, 19th Feb 2011 1:55 am
Why would you have “backpack” in your name unless you intended to meet people along the journey and interact with them?
That’s what makes your travel concept enticing; meeting people and experiencing their daily lives.
From Pago Pago, American Samoa
John Wasko
Katherine on Sat, 19th Feb 2011 1:49 pm
Number 3 – colour, people, and a destination that’s on my wish-list
Jeff Jung on Mon, 21st Feb 2011 11:06 am
Love them all. If I have to choose: 1, 5, 6
thisenvy on Mon, 21st Feb 2011 2:45 pm
1 & 7.
Palm trees and the ocean…. no explanation needed.
The Eiffel Tower is one of the most recognized vacation symbols worldwide and that’s a great shot of it.
Jennifer on Wed, 23rd Feb 2011 7:17 pm
Love 4, 1, 3.
Alonna on Wed, 23rd Feb 2011 8:25 pm
4, 5, 7
Because they each inspire a different aspect of travel…
4 – relax!
5 – have fun!
7 – see the world!
Bertandpatty on Wed, 23rd Feb 2011 11:15 pm
Great idea!! I loved #2, it reminded me of spending an afternoon talking with monks in Chiang Mai. Also loved 3 and 6 as well.
Those are our top three.
Thanks for keeping up such a great site!
Michele on Thu, 24th Feb 2011 10:09 am
2 Another poster spoke about interacting with other cultures or at least observing them and this card denotes that to me.
5 Ditto
7 Paris seems to be a dream destination (at least for a lot of ladies) and may really appeal to the newbies.
Michaela Potter on Tue, 15th Mar 2011 1:06 pm
Thanks to everyone who voted for our latest Meet, Plan, Go! postcards. It was a tight race between all of them, so we decided to print 4 of them – something for everyone.
And congratulations to Ted who is the recipient of “The Art of Non-Conformity” by Chris Guillebeau!
View the Winners!