The Importance of Career Break Support
Digital Support is Good, But In-Person is Better
Often all we need to make change in our lives is a little push and encouragement. That’s why we created the Meet Plan Go Career Break Conference – for people with similar goals and travel dreams to meet face to face to get the support they need to take a career break leap. It’s like our website – but with REAL people who you can talk with face to face. On September 20, 2014 you’ll make connections to past career breakers and future ones who you can bond with and ask questions!
Want to learn more – check out our video about the Importance of Support:
Getting people on the road to achieving their travel dreams is the best reward we can think of here at Meet Plan Go! The weekly emails we get from people about how their career breaks have changed their lives is what convinced us to do another career break event for 2014.
See what past attendees have to say:
“My husband and I are 11 months into our trip around the world and we have a lot of thanks to send your way. We had been dreaming of traveling like this, but I didn’t think it was really possible until I read an article you were quoted in almost 3 years ago. Shortly after that, I attended the Meet, Plan, Go event in San Francisco where you spoke. Your story, and many others, really resonated with me and we made a commitment to make our dream a reality. And here we are.
Thank you for inspiring me and many others to take these leaps of faith. We’ve had an amazing trip including volunteering in Cambodia for three months. I can’t imagine not having taken this time to explore more of the world.” –Jill
“We leave in 16 days (exactly one year from the date of the 2012 national Meet, Plan, Go! meeting.” –Kellie
“I wanted to reach out and thank you for inspiring me to travel. I attended the MPG nationwide event last October 16th 2012 in Minneapolis. After attending the event I obtained a lot of useful information which allowed me to research more. After researching I decided to take a leap of faith and put in my notice to quit my job early January 2013.” –Mitchell
“We ( my girlfriend at the time and now fiancé ) attended your seminar in may 2012 in NYC and took off April 2013 for 7 months. We have been home for a month now and had an incredible experience traveling and gained the extra confidence to go after attending your seminar. “ –Mike