
Tell me, I forget
Show me, I remember
Involve me, I understand

This Chinese Proverb is a great way to describe the community at Briefcase to Backpack. We could easily tell you about the wonders of taking a career break and international travel, but that can just as easily be lost in translation. Instead, we want to show you through our personal experiences and stories. And more importantly, we want to involve you so that you can share your own experiences.

This means that we want to hear from you! No matter where you are in your career break planning – Contemplating, Preparation, On-the-Road, or Re-Entry – your personal experience can help inspire others.

Monday: We feature a guest post or interview for one of the four main categories (Contemplating – Preparation – On-the-Road – Re-Entry).

Wednesday: We feature news on one of our various projects or partner programs.

Friday: We feature a career break inspired Photo Friday. To submit a photo, join our Facebook Group and upload your career break photo onto our Wall. Add a brief description & we may choose to feature it.

How to submit your story:

  • 500-800 words – include a short bio as well as any links to your website and/or Twitter ID
  • Attach at least 3 photos (600x400pixels – 72dpi preferred)
  • Specific topic related to one of the four categories (Contemplating, Preparation, On-the-Road, Re-Entry)
  • Email to – in the subject line note which category your submission is for

Some examples of topic-specific posts:





Career Break Guide Table of Contents

Meet Plan Go