Posts Tagged ‘anxieties’

Letting Go: Preparedness
Sunday, December 21st, 2008

[singlepic=849,150,,,right]Part of the anxieties people face before traveling is the feeling that you are not prepared enough. But being unprepared may actually help to make the experience much better. I found this the case when I traveled to Nepal in 2001.

For years I wanted to travel to Vietnam and Cambodia – two places that I was fascinated with since high school.  So I decided that in the year 2000, I would spend 3 months traveling through those countries.  Then my great friend and traveling partner, Holly, said “Wait!  If you go in 2001, I’ll go with you, but I also want to go to Nepal.”  It’s hard to find such a great traveling companion, so I immediately said “sure!”

So for the next year or so, we planned our travels.  My focus was purely on Vietnam & Cambodia, so we decided I would start there, and then we would meet up later in Nepal, continuing our journeys together to Thailand and then back to Australia, where we visited together in 1995.


Culture Shock: Fortune Cookies
Thursday, December 18th, 2008

Culture shock can come in various forms and degrees.  Here Sherry feels cheated by the lack of authenticity in all things – the fortune cookie.

[singlepic=951,150,,,right]When you go out for Chinese food in the US (and I’m willing to bet, most of North America), what is the one thing that you are always guaranteed at the end of the dinner – fortune cookies. It’s a symbol of Chinese cuisine – not to mention the source of a lot of fun. However, to my astonishment I’ve been in China now for 3 weeks and I have not been served one fortune cookie. Not only do restaurants not serve them, but the Chinese people I’ve talked to have no idea what they even are! They look at me as if I have lost my mind…why on earth would anyone put paper in a cookie and bake it?


Letting Go: Self-Doubt
Thursday, December 18th, 2008

Self-doubt and nerves play a big part in the pre-departure process of just about every traveler – especially when it involves a life-changing journey. Looking back before Sherry’s first 16-month adventure, she learned to cope with the various degrees of doubt she experienced.

[singlepic=1357,200,,,right]Freaking Out…Six Weeks To Go

Well, I have found out that the closer it gets to my d-day (departure date), I seem to be getting more and more freaked out about everything. Yes – I suppose this is normal, completely normal for anyone who is trying to put their life on hold for a year, keeping a secret from their employer that they are going to quit, dealing with the prospect of leaving friends and family, fear of the unknown, fear of loneliness, fear of living out of a backpack for a year, and the prospect of leaving my cat. So, I know that this is nothing unusual, all very normal, but I feel like I need to vent a bit in the hopes of feeling a bit more sane and able to cope with the next 6 weeks…so here goes…


Career Break Guide Table of Contents

Meet Plan Go