Photo Friday: Tung Nang Dam
[singlepic=1804,588,,,left]This week we featured how one career break can inspire another.
And that is what inspired this Photo Friday. During my career break in 2006, where I volunteered in Peru with Peru’s Challenge, I realized that I wanted to incorporate volunteering in all of my travels.
So when Michael agreed to go on a career break in 2007 with me, I knew I wanted to work in some time with Andaman Discoveries to help with rebuilding the community in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunami.
We spent four days in the community of Tung Nang Dam – a small Muslin village off the coast of Kuraburi. We lived with a family that spoke no English, yet we bonded over planting orchids, making meals, and feeding their baby goats. Worried that Michael would feel uncomfortable being the ‘briefcase’ of the situation, he related it to consulting: “You go into a new situation; evaluate where they need help; learn their [corporate] language; and then evaluate how you can help.”
I think this photo perfectly encapsulates that.
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Tweets that mention Photo Friday: Tung Nang Dam | Briefcase to Backpack - Travel Advice for Career Breaks or Sabbaticals -- on Fri, 11th Jun 2010 10:53 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sherry Ott, BriefcasetoBackpack. BriefcasetoBackpack said: Photo Friday: A look back at volunteering in Thailand with @Andaman_Disco #photography […]