Photo Friday: Floating Market in Indonesia
Today’s Photo Friday captures the Floating Market in Banjarmasin, Kalimantan, Indonesia. It was taken by second time career breaker and former Meet, Plan, Go! host Lisa Niver Rajna, who writes:
Getting up early to see the floating market was well worth it. The colors, the food, the homes along the edge of the water. I loved the traffic of the boats and the community scene–very different than going to market in Los Angeles! During our year away in 2008-2009, we were in Indonesia twice each time for a month. We went from Malaysian Borneo (Sipadan) and traveled along the coast of Kalimantan to Banjarmasin. We had some great adventures. We left this month (July 2012) for career break TWO! See our latest news at or follow us on Twitter at @wesaidgotravel.